Bicep and Triceps Workouts

Bicep and Triceps Workouts

Feeling the need to change up your arm workouts lately?
Whether your goal is chiseled triceps, bulging biceps, or toned arms, this article can help take you to the next level.
The truth is, plateaus are tough to overcome, especially for your biceps and triceps. The muscles in your arms are smaller muscle groups, so they can be a bit more challenging when it comes to seeing progress, especially when your goal is size.
This article will give you everything you need to change things up and reach your arm-sculpting goals.
First, I’ll give you a couple 30 minute bicep and triceps workouts that are great for toning and building muscle. Then I’ll cover a combined workout that supersets these two muscle groups, giving you the chiseled arms you’re looking for. Before you start this workout engorge your muscles with blood with an arginine (NO2) drink.. This will help you push your training for your arms to the next level, in fact nothing else comes close to the pump you’ll get after one of these amino acid drinks.
Bicep and Triceps Workouts

Ready? Let’s get started…

Bicep Workout

Perform 4 pyramid sets of these exercises at 8-10 reps each (30 second rest between sets). For these pyramid sets, start with a higher weight, dropping by 5 lbs for each set, progressively increasing your reps.
Bicep and Triceps Workouts

  1. Alternating Bicep Curls 
  2. Seated Preacher Curl 
  3. Bicep Curls (Facing Bench)
  4. Cable Hammer Curl with Rope 
  5. Concentration Curls

Triceps Workout

Perform the same 4 pyramid sets of these exercises at 8-10 reps each (30 second rest between sets).

  1. Seated Triceps Press
  2. Lying Triceps Extension with EZ Bar
  3. Tricep Dumbbell Kickbacks
  4. Cable Tricep Push Down with Rope
  5. Cable One Arm Triceps Extension

Combined Bicep and Triceps Workout

Bicep and Triceps WorkoutsThis workout’s going to take about 45 minutes, but it will get your arms looking and feeling ripped! There are a couple advantages to working out these muscles together. First, they’re great for supersetting, because they use totally opposite muscle groups. Second, they’ll leave you with really pumped up arms!

The goal here is supersetting. Supersetting means performing 2 sets back to back with no rest in between. You only rest after both sets are completed (for a bit longer – 1-2 minutes rest), but both sets are working different muscle groups.

Here’s what to do…

Bicep and Triceps WorkoutsThis time, perform only 3 sets of each exercise (8-10 reps), supersetting between biceps and triceps. Simply match up the numbers in the above workouts and do both #1’s together, alternating 3 sets each, then move to the #2’s. For example, you’ll do 1 set of alternating bicep curls, followed immediately by 1 set of seated triceps press, followed by a 1-2 minute rest, then repeat.

Sounds simple right? It might be simple, but let me tell you, it’s one intense workout. Another great advantage to supersetting is burning more calories, because you’re moving your body for longer. You’re also keeping your heart rate up, which is great for improving your cardiorespiratory health.

Don’t forget…

Make sure you’re giving your biceps and triceps the recovery they need after a workout like this. You’re not going to get toned unless you give this a significant amount of effort. That means adequate rest and a good quality protein supplement.

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